Tuesday, May 27, 2008


(It sounds very posh considering it's just a roundabout way of saying you can't think of a title..)

Fact is I haven't been very active in terms of art lately. After having received three letters of refusal from art academies in just as many days, I sank into that famous deep black hole for a few days. I thought about giving up - there's nothing as nerve-wrecking as putting your life on hold like this and not even knowing whether it will ever be worth it or if you're just wasting precious years of your life. So my self confidence is currently just starting to emerge from a mud-pool of self pity, and there's no telling if it'll go right down again tomorrow.. so I'm clinging to the idea that I'll make it somehow and someday, it'll just be another year or so. It's not easy.

Because of that I haven't been very productive, but yesterday I tried to make an effort to start painting again and came up with this:

What was I thinking? I'm just coming out of a creative drought (or depression) and so I try to paint two paintings at once. Integrated into each other... I have no idea how this will turn out but I have to say I'd be sad if I work long and hard on this project and it ends in disaster - A painting that's been overdone and with too many layers of paint, or in general something I'd be embarassed to associate my name with (That actually happens a lot).

I did finish a painting about a month ago that I'm sort of pleased with but haven't come round to uploading it to the web site yet - just give me a few days!