Sunday, March 30, 2008

Not AGAIN...!

It seems I can't use GoLive to update my web site anymore.. The alternative is Dreamweaver and I have no idea how it works. (I tried and suddenly it had made a Dreamweaver site folder of all my web sites into one...) So I'm very embarassed to say, sorry for not updating the web site in a while, AGAIN. I get the feeling I say that a lot. I have applications for two more schools to finish and I'll try to figure out what to do with the web site(s) after that.

That said, I started a new painting yesterday, it's going to be part of a series of two paintings so it doesn't look very impressive on its own:

It was a good opportunity to test my new digital camera though. I was never really happy with the old one, especially when I was going to take photos of my works for documentation, so it was a nice change. It has a so-called "intelligent" flash, which I think is great.

I just realised that the person in the painting looks a lot like my sister, even though it's not. Strange.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Why is it that....

...a painting always looks like CRAP when you first start working on it??
I was always told that the process is just as valuable as the result, but it's very tempting to skip right to the result when you think you've done a day's decent work and realize you've merely created something that looks like a kindergarten project. Maybe that's why it's so hard to "admit" that this is what my new painting looks like. I did have a great time taking the newest addition to my paint brush collection for a test ride though. (as shown to the right) It's a real beaut and probable the most expensive paint brush I've ever owned.

By the way, as you've probably noticed, my web site is now up again. Feel free to leave comments and write in the guestbook; I'm thankful for any feedback.